Misc stats 

star CPU stats

You can watch how long scripts require to process. Session stats is by far the most CPU intensive script. Stats computation depends also on your RAM capacity. More RAM is available, faster the script will run.

cpu1 cpu2
CPU versus lines processed Incremental stats took around one minute

If you select a script, full details is available within a graphic and an information table. Each line represent a run. The table show the date of run and the time taken to complete it.

star URL Mapping

You have the choice between listing URL and HTML title file. If you choose the second, you should select the URL mapping in the configuration file. All your HTML files will be scanned and title will be extract from your documents. HTML pages with identical title are reported and also document without a title field. It helps to understand the stats reports but you should give appropriate title for your HTML page !

star Reverse DNS

If your server have been setup to log activities without doing any reverse dns (to speed serving files), your logfile will contains only IP address instead of resolved address. Activating the reverse dns option in the configuration file will map IP addess to their litteral name. As you need to query DNS server, it could take really longer to compute stats but a file cache is used to speed things.
Even with reverse dns on, there is still some address unresolved. Usually 20 % cannot be resolved due to bad configuration server, transient server or private server.

star FTP/Squid/Email

Some specific stats are related to the logfile format. If you are running W3Perl with FTP logfiles, a dedicated page will show you files downloaded for each users (so you will be able to verify your files have been uploaded). Squid logfiles offers some stats about the list of cached websites ...

star Virtual hosts

If you have only one logfile for several webserver, stats can be done. Your logfile format should include for each request the name of the server used. It could be logged as a field or hidden in the URL stored. W3Perl can extract this information in both case. The virtual server page show you the number of hits and traffic for each virtual server you are running. It could be useful then to compare their relative bandwith usage.

star User look

If you want to customize w3perl output, you could :

  • Choose between a Top/Bottom - Left/Right frameset
  • Replace the logo in the top left of the homepage to yours. (file stats.gif)
  • Use a different background and css style
  • Select from four different graph format : 3D bar chart, bar chart, line and filled line