Referer stats 

Referer stats are really a must because it allow you to know where the users are coming from. Which pages are they using the most to reach your site, which keywords search people are using to access your website.

star Bookmarked pages / Origins

First, how people reach your website ? Is it from a search engine, from external links or do they have direct access to your page ?
Bookmarked pages can be logged but it doesn't work for all browsers. So values can be inaccurate.

refer1a refer1b
Bookmarks Origins

star Referer hosts / Search engines

First shown is the hosts refering to your website. If one host have multiple pages with link too your web, the count is added.
Search engine hosts are also displayed so you can view from which search engine people are coming (french google or english ?)


star Referer pages

Details about the pages refering to your website. Some referer spam may be found if spam filtering have been disabled. Referer pages are availble for each method found (http, https, news, wysiwyg ... )


star Internal pages


star Entry/Exit point

Which page have been linked from other website ? This table show the entry point, usually first one is your homepage. The percentage help you to understand if people stay after visiting the entry point. Higher the value, more they stay.

refer5 refer6
Entry points Exit points

star Daily referer

A table is generated to get access to others days.

referday1 referday2 referday3
Daily referer hosts Daily referer pages Daily entry pages

star Detailed refer page

For some page of your webiste specified via the -p flag, you can get accurate stats including the host, the date of last visit and the occurence of visit from this distant host.