Session stats 

Sessions are really a useful tool to understand user visit. For each user, you can follow his path from page to page, with the time spent per page. Robot activities are logged, multiple visits are shown and the average stats over hour and day.
Session does not exist on Internet. People can come and leave a website without the need to give this information. If you are reading a HTML page, go to lunch and come back one hour later, there is no way to known if this is still the same session.
So, few rules have been added and they are checked after computation. These rules are the following :

  • if an user doesn't require any file for more than 30 minutes, next access will be treated as a different one. Peole usually does not take more than 30 minutes to read a HTML page.
  • an user should download at least one HTML page.
  • a maximum of 10 hours is allowed for a visit.

This value of 30 minutes can be changed via the -r flag.
If you are accessing a website, then following a link to a different website and go back before this time limit, you are still considered as the same user.

star Resume

The main informaton about session found is listed. Here session really means visits. The applied rules can be checked here. Compare the number of session found with those with the reading time exceeding 30 minutes number. It should not be more than 10% of the total number.

session_a session_b
Main session stats Checking session rules are valid

star Connection time

How long people stay on your website ? The average time for one session is listed and a histogram graph is available. Most people stay only a few minutes before leaving. Longuest sessions are show.

session1 session2 session3
Session histogram Session length Longuest session

star Daily visits

Maybe the most interesting graph in this area is the number of session versus days (i.e the number of different people visiting yor website). The blue line is the average.

session4 session5
Daily session blue tick is average, green one is current

Clicking on the graph will bring you to the specific day.
You can specify some filtering option to avoid a too long list to display. Here connection time should be longer than 5 minutes and the number of HTML pages should be more than 10.
Clicking on the graph or in the textual table allow the full detailed session to be list for the specified day. A typical session show which HTML pages have been read and how long for each of them. The referer, entry point and leaving point are listed when available.

session6 session7
List of session sorted by day Session for one specific day

star Multiple session

Here you will have the list of hosts which have visiting your website several times. The number of session is displayed along with the number of HTML pages and connection time for each of them. Once again, you can specify display filtering.

session8 session9
List of multiple sessions Sessions sorted by duration

star Session time

The histogram of HTML page reading time is available here.
For a specific connection time, you can view the average HTML pages read, the host and the number of HTML pages read.
If you follow the link, all sessions with the same connection time are shown.

session10 session11
Session time histogram Host session duration

star Search engine session

Search engine session are listed here.

star Hourly, daily average

Hourly and daily activities are show. You can easily detect when people are using the most your website. Don't forget this is server time.


star Login accesses

If you have a protected area on your website, it is possible to look for people accessing to this area. The hosts connecting are listed.

star Average reading time

The average reading time for HTML page is specify here. Grey cells means people pay attention to this page because they stay a while.